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Harvest Moon Lunar Calendar 2022

The Harvest Moon is a month a lot of us look forward to. In most places in the US, it means blessedly cooler temps. Here in Oklahoma, we start to see days under 90F! This was a particularly rough summer season. Record-breaking temps and a heat wave that brought this into the third hottest summer Oklahoma has had on record. I am so ready for sweater weather!

September brings the Fall Equinox and with it my only daughter's 18th birthday. I am excited for her but so terrified as a mother.... like she is so tiny how can this be possible?! Life is crazy right?! I am blessed to have been able to be her. She is a force of Nature and I know she is going to live her life as she sees fit.

I am proud to have been and hope to continue to be a part of her journey. I love you, Miss Rose.

This Lunar Month is the Harvest Moon and runs from August 27th thru September 25th.

All my lunar calendars go from Dark Moon to Dark Moon. The Dark Moon is when no moonlight can be seen and the New Moon is approximately three days later when a decent sliver of the moon can be seen.

Please feel free to download this calendar for your own personal use.

As always - Happy Witching!

Interesting Dates:

August 27th - Dark Moon and Lunar Month begins

September 2nd - Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

September 9th - Mercury Retrograde begins

September 10th - Full Harvest Moon

September 21st - Virgo Season Ends

September 22nd - Mabon, Fall Equinox, Libra Season Begins



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